Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kung Fu Humor: Subpar Subtitles

Time for another installment of Subpar Subtitles!

Sometimes the language barrier is harder to break than a stack of boards, and they say English is the hardest language of all to learn. Literal translations of cliches and sayings common to a particular language can be quite comical. Here's some screen caps of English subtitles taken from various kung fu and action films. Special thanks go out to Hong Kong Subtitles on Facebook and twitter. Enjoy!

It's like they're looking right through the screen at me!

This first date is going smoothly...

What a little pig, literally!

I think I saw something like that in Tijuana once...

Can you imagine his mother calling for him? "FUCK! FUCK! DINNER TIME, FUCK!"

40 - 50% of malliages end in dirorce.

Everybody have fun tonight! Everybody Wang Puke tonight!

"What, you're dead? You die easy!"


achillesgirl said...

Subtitled movies: the gift that keeps on giving! I love them! (I posted the Wang Puke cap, by the way!) Thanks for making me laugh!

Wostry Ferenc said...

great stuff! :D

Wostry Ferenc said...

and Joe, you really should update this blog more often! It's good readin'! :)

venoms5 said...

I agree with Wostry. I thought you had abandoned your site! I recall a credit in NINJA IN THE DEADLY TRAP for a guy named Fuk Yu. I'll have to look again to verify, but I remember getting a good laugh from that. Nice to see you back, KFM.

Kung Fu Manchu said...

I think there's a Fuk Tin Chin and a Fuk Tin Mu in the credits for NINJA IN THE DEADLY TRAP.

venoms5 said...

Yeah, I just looked. Fuk Tin Chin and Fuk Tin Mu both, lol. I remember it was Fuk somebody.

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